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Peregrine Cars main logo

Speed with purpose

High performance vehicles that offer a cleaner, greener future


Building climate resilience solutions for clean transportation.

Excellence in automotive engineering

Peregrine Cars reimagines the future of the automotive industry with a groundbreaking approach to climate-resilient vehicle design. We combine nascent technology with climate engineering to create vehicles that are not only high-performing but also significantly reduce lifecycle carbon footprints.

Our dedication to sustainability extends from the drawing board to the road, ensuring every aspect of our vehicles aligns with the goal of a cleaner, greener future.

Featured products

Intelligent life cycle analysis solutions for automotive manufacturers

Our smart software solution, ReACT™, enables automotive manufacturers to optimise vehicle design with an eye on the carbon footprint generated by each and every part of the vehicle during its entire lifetime.

From conception stage, automobile designers will be able to examine and realise the environmental impact of every decision they make. Detailed specifications and features of ReACT™ are available to automotive manufacturers upon request.

At Peregrine Cars, our mission is to drive a paradigm shift in the automotive industry. We integrate intelligent life cycle assessment (LCA) in the design and optimisation of passenger vehicles to minimise the overall carbon footprint of the vehicle during its entire lifetime.

This approach ensures that the vehicles designed with ReACT™ exceed consumer expectations while maintaining our commitment to reducing global warming. Our vision is to lead the industry towards a sustainable future, one innovative vehicle at a time.

Our team

Meet our dynamic team of experts, including CEO Abdelrahman W. M. Elmagdoub, and other key members who are driving our mission of sustainable automotive innovation.


Explore career opportunities with Peregrine Cars and be part of a team that’s pioneering climate resilience solutions in the automotive industry.


Stay tuned for upcoming news, articles, and updates about Peregrine Cars’ latest developments and achievements in sustainable vehicle manufacturing.